A Joke Turn In to a Naked Dare

by Susan
(Bonham, Texas USA )

If you have read my other post, I love to go nude in public locations. After I did my nude walk to the courthouse, my boyfriend John was joking with me about walking across town nude.

I got a city map and checked it out. I can't find a way to get from the east side of town to the west naked without ending up in jail. Then one day John and I were returning home from a trip to the local state park.

As we crossed an old set of railway tracks, it hit me—there is a way I may be able to walk across town naked without ending up in jail. These tracks have not been used in many years.

John and I spent 6 weeks planning this out. We planned for a Wednesday night in September. Kids going to school and people getting ready for work the next going to bed early. The night arrived. John was going to drop me off at the starting point at about 9:00 PM. And meet me at the pickup point at 5:00 AM.

I left the house wearing nothing but a short bathrobe and a pair of black running shoes. John had one last surprise for me. John and I like to play tie up games. John had a pair of police handcuffs. And locked my hands behind my back. This way, if anyone saw me, I couldn’t cover my body in any way.

Also adding the feeling of being helpless. I start the walk. I saw John driving away. My heart was beating like a jackhammer. I was now at the point of no return. There a point I have to walk past a house near the tracks.

The dogs began barking. I just kept moving. The first half of the trip, there were no issues. It was dark and no one could see me. Now, I had to cross the 2 main streets in town. I could see a long way to the south. I couldn’t see north.

There was a building blocking my view. Also, I was moving into an area with a lot of streetlights. Now anyone could see me. I got across the first street. I moved over to the next street. I peeked around the old train station. There was some guy walking down the street. The only place I could hide was behind a large trash can. If I had not looked, I would have walked right out in front of him.

After the man moved on, I waited until he was two blocks away. I checked the street again. It was clear and I moved on. The streetlights were still an issue. For about a quarter mile, anyone can see me. I got to the pickup location; I didn’t see John or his truck.

Then, without warning, John sneaked up behind me and grabbed me. At first I thinking someone got me. John makes me walk naked down a public street to the parking lot of a local motel where John has his truck parked. John puts me in the back seat and puts the seat belt around me.

Still handcuffed, I can't do anything about it. We get home. John walks me across the front yard while I am still naked, for anyone to see. I don't see any way I can top this nude dare. But I will try.

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Oct 24, 2015
Slow down and stay safe!
by: Francis

Wow Susan, you really pull all the stops here!

Your dares get more and more risky and exciting. But please, look out for yourself and make sure someone is around in case you really get into trouble.

I understand that feeling alone and helpless can add to the thrill. But if you are alone and helpless and someone is, as you say, out to get you - then you are ALONE and HELPLESS!

Before anything bad happens, please consider talking with John so that he is always at least in walking distance from you. You don't need to know where he is, just that he is there.

Even then, some of your dares are plenty dangerous as it is.

Continue to have a blast with your dares. And for sure, please continue to share your stories here! I love them.

But I also want you to be safe.

Fair? :)

Nov 17, 2016
Naked Dare
by: Regina H

All dares should be naked. I'm thinking that if they aren't, then they aren't worthwhile. So much fun hearing about naughty games and DARING situations like this. Wow!

- Regina H.

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