A walk in the park

by Susan
(Bonham, Texas USA )

I’m back with a new dare from my boyfriend John. If you’ve seen my last two posts, my walk naked to the courthouse and my nude walk in the shopping center.

We live in a small town in northeast Texas. Across the street from our home is a city park. John's dare was to leave our home nude and spend two hours in the park. I came back with a double down.

I told John that:

  • I would spend four hours out in public nude,

  • I would leave our house at midnight,

  • I would spend the next four hours naked in public.
There are no lights in the park. If any one looks out, there is very little chance any one would see me.


  • If I was seen by anybody, I couldn’t cover any part of myself with my arms or hands.
  • Second, I couldn’t hide unless I saw anybody looking for me or I saw the cops.
We picked a night with a new moon. It was a very dark night. At midnight, my boyfriend walked out and checks the streets. No one out. All lights out.

I walked out the front door in my birthday suit. There were a few trees I could hide behind if I had to. I was a cool night. I did get some goose bumps. It was a big turn on to be out doors in a public location totally naked.

I did go out to the center of the streets and walk around. I did see a few cars drive by and I had to hide. At last, the four hours were up. John turned on our porch light to let me know it was time to come in. I want to do it again.

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Sep 10, 2016

by: Anonymous

I did it! It was very scary and luckily nobody saw me.

Jul 27, 2015
Dangerous and Exciting It Gave Me Goosebumps
by: Francis

First of all, Susan, thank you for sharing your naked challenges with us. For everyone who hasn’t seen them, check out the following other stories submitted by Susan.

You are lucky that you have such a dark park new to you. But I do hope that you are in hearing distance of someone who can come to your help if anything weird happens. It’s definitely risky and dangerous to go out at night without any clothes on.

I can understand the thrill, but please make sure that you’re safe. I do want to read about your other challenges and dares in the future, right? :)

Anyways, four hours is a really long time. What did you do while you were outside? Didn’t you get cold at night? Or not at all? Perhaps all the excitement kept you warm.

Just thinking about doing this dare gives me the goosebumps. So you’ve earned big respect from the dare master. Please keep those stories coming. I really love them.

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