Seven Minutes with an Unexpected End

by Sarah
(NY, US)

(Photo from Fidenaut)

When I was a sophomore in high school my parents finally let me go to a party. I was so excited, but when everyone announced that we were playing seven minutes in heaven my heart started to race.

Would I be able to kiss Steven??? The boy I had wanted since we met in fifth grade. My friends knew I had been crushing on Steven forever, so she suggested we go in the closet together.

My face turned bright red as he grabbed my hand in lead the way. The door closed and I was face-to-face with his beautiful blue eyes. I giggled anxiously, closed my eyes, and leaned in and planted a big sloppy kiss (my first one) on his lips.

But then wiped the slobber off his mouth, disgusted, and said: "Sarah, I'm sorry, but I don't want to kiss you. I'm gay! Can we just sit in here and pretend we made out?" I was shocked.

No wonder he was single. I feel bad my first kiss was a slobbery, forced one onto a gay boy.

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by: Emily

You are still considered as lucky since you like him anyway no matter he’s gay or straight. If I were you, I’ll kiss him again and again.

by: Anonymous

Well, let's just hope you didn't have major feelings for the guy. A t least he's gay, though... it could've been a lot worse? :)

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Awkward eternity in "heaven"

by Janine B.

It was at a new years eve party 2009 that my friend wanted to play Seven Minutes in Heaven. We wrote our names on pieces of paper and put them in a hat.

From eleven players, it was of course me who was voted first to go with this guy I used to like. But I did not any more at that time…
We went into this other room and were just sitting there awkwardly. It felt like hours. Just before the time ran out, he said something along the lines of “you are beautiful…”
I was just like, “Yeah, thank you…” He seemed happy, as was I when the dare was over.

Of course everyone thought that we had made out or something (since he was my crush some time ago). Until today, I could not convince them otherwise. We are laughing a lot about it now though. :)

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Upping the Ante

by Big Daddy

When we were in high school, we regularly played 7 minutes in Heaven - sometimes as a standalone and sometimes as a dare. But when we got into college we decided to up the ante.

We changed it to 20 minutes in Vegas. And, as everyone knows, whatever happens in Vegas stays in Vegas!

Everyone agreed before the game started it was anything goes for the couple in Vegas. And, if either or both had a significant other, they had a "hall pass" for that 20 minutes.

I can't speak for anyone else, but I found out there were a lot of "good girls" that really weren't.

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You know what they say about good girls
by: Francis

The seemingly nicest ones can be the naughtiest ;)

Thanks for your story and the pretty inviting variation of the 7 min in heaven game.

The difficulty with the original game is that either people peek, or the time is not enough to do what is not to be told...

With 20 min absolute privacy, this is a whole other ball park. You're lucky you have friends that play along your Vegas game!

Now you just have to look out that none of your friends have the idea to ask Truth questions about this time in Vegas.

And of course you can expect that some of the players tell their dirty secrets. Only to their best friends of course, but that can quickly spread.

Anyways, I like the way you guys are thinking. It's just the right amount of fun and suspense to make a cool game even hotter!

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