Beer Drinking Card Games

A Girl Drinking a Large Can of Beer(Photo from a tai.)

Drinking beer is like playing card games - you may either be novice, intermediate or an all out expert. The amount of beer you can consume in an hour depends on your tolerance against alcohol and of course the longer you have been drinking, it is a given that your tolerance has become higher.

This can be said too in playing beer drinking card games. There are those that has simple and even-a-drunk-can-play-it games while there are card games that has very strict rules the group needs to abide with. Here are the following card games that range from easy to difficult.

Let's first start with a very easy game called Kings and Blood. This is how it is played:

Kings and Blood

Drawing a Card from Deck(Photo from KNLphotos2010 via flickr)
  • A very basic game that is played using a deck of cards and beer.
  • The game starts by shuffling the cards and spreading it out face down.
  • Every member of the drinking party must take a card and whoever picks out a red card will be asked to drink two shoots of beer.
  • The person who is able to pick a king card will be responsible for putting beer in a cup that is in the center of the table.
  • The player who was able to draw the last of the four kings of the deck will have to drink that cup of beer everyone has been filling since the start of the game.


Those drinkers who are torn between identifying themselves as a novice or an expert should settle on the game entitled Dictator.

  • This is one of the beer drinking card games that can actually range from being easy to difficult or just something in between.
  • It starts with everyone drawing a card and whoever gets the highest number will be named the dictator.
  • He/she will be the one who will decide the conditions of the game. Example, anyone who draws an ace will drink 5 shots.
  • As a variation, the dictator can also make conditions that are not dependent on the cards like whoever throws up first will be required to treat their next round of drinks.


For those looking for a very challenging and mentally draining beer drinking card game, you will find what you have been looking for all along in this game called Bullshit.

  • A group of not bigger than six people is needed to have a good game, plus lots of beer and of course, cards.
  • The mentally challenging part of this game lies in the guessing game you will be doing.
  • Each member of the group will have their own cards and starting from aces, each one has to name how many of that card they have.
  • A player is entitled to lie during this and another player must correctly guess which one is lying.
  • Once he correctly pinpoints the liar, the liar must consume the corresponding drink. However, failure to successfully guess who it is will end with the accuser performing the consequence.

There is no need to be scared while playing beer drinking card games. You can be entirely honest with your friends when you don't know any, as I am sure they have something in the bag that can match the level that you are in. So drop those worries and enjoy this easy night by partying and drinking hard!

More Beer and Card Games:

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