Raspberry Wars Video – Who farts better?

Check out a friendly competition of an epic Raspberry War. You know this is a game where you blow on each other’s tummies and make creative, funny and loud fart noises. It’s a great dare by the way but see it in action first.

The idea of raspberry wars is to make it a competition of
  • Who farts longer?
  • Who makes louder noises?
  • Who makes everyone laugh more?
You can also make it a team battle. The person who exposes his or her belly is not allowed to laugh under any circumstances and the teams can be crossed, that means:

Person from “Team-A” blows into the tummy of “Team-B” and the other way around.

So you can compete on the quality of your fart noises and your ability to make your opponent’s laugh. A nice way to pass the time if you don’t want to play any other games for your sleepover night.

But of course there is always sleepover Truth or dare. and any good sleepover night should have Truth or Dare for sure. Right?

Are you ticklish when you play raspberry wars and do you prefer to do the fart noises or be the tummy that makes them?

I'd love to know. Feel free to leave a comment below!

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Guy and Girl, Dared to Exchange Clothes

by Andrew
(Hobart, Australia)

Swapping clothes is always a funny Dare

Swapping clothes is always a funny Dare

This is very short but fun video, showing a guy and a girl exchanging their clothings.

The fun thing is that the guy is fairly bigger than the girl and then of course their clothes don't fit each other. She is swimming in his big T-shirt and he can barely pull her trousers over his ass.

I love how she playfully spanks his butt and how he does a little impression of her, watching his belly and asking in a high pitched voice: "Am I looking Fat?"

Photos from whateva87 and SharonaGott via flickr

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by: Dick

Wow, I would love to do this dare. It is sexy especially if you request them to do it publicly in slow motion.

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Humping Dare Video

by Rob

The guys dared their friend to hump the hammock in the garden. Looks pretty awkward...

Unfortunately, this video is no more available on YouTube. Either the owner of the video has removed it from YouTube or changed it's permissions.

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If a girl had done this, it would have looked hot. He can move his hips, that's for sure. Bet he gets a lot of girls now that his video in online ;)

Yep, those sure are some great humping techniques right there! He almost fell right out of the hammock too...

What else could they have humped that is fun...?

Evil grin

I dare you to go hump against...

  • A high bush of stinging nettle

  • A parking car (stay away from security cameras!)

  • Another guy who does not know about you playing the game...!

Just don't do anything creepy. Else - have fun and happy humping ;)

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