Check Out The New Trend - Dancing Dares!

Sounds easy, but it’s much harder than you think. Doing dancing dares behind the back of un-suspecting people out in public. Want to see how this is done in action? Check out the video!

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Are you bored going shopping and nothing else, waiting for your boss, finishing writing down their note? Do you want to find out what’s the perfect way to kill time, I’ll tell you! Get a friend, give him your video camera, hide behind the back of the person you want to do the dancing dare behind and dance your ass off.

Just take it like you never shaken it and here is the kicker, you cannot get caught. The moment the person gets what you are doing, just do something else. Try to be natural as you can and try not to be out of breath.

Or check out at 35 seconds, how you can pimp up your outfit even more for this dancing dare. I just loved it. How much would you need to get paid for by your friends before you do a dancing dare behind your boss? Or on a big assembly and to catch all that on a video.

Great job on this video. If you would ever do a dancing dare or rather die before being recorded doing one, leave us a comment. I love to know what you think.

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don't get caught doing this
by: Anonymous

If you're doing this dare behind the back of your boss don't be surprised to get fired if he catches you doing this.

Or at least have a really good excuse ready!

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Dance Contest – Play Truth Or Dare In A Bar

Just a quick and short video I found of guys playing truth or dare in a bar with music and lights like in a club. They dare each other to do their best dance moves right there in the bar.

Check it out in the video!

It’s a great idea because it will get out of your comfort zone pretty fast and if you dance well enough, I am sure you will get the attention of all the hot girls out there.

Why don’t you try out this dare and next time you go in to a bar with your best buddies?

Are you too afraid to do the dare? Just chug some beers beforehand.

Play a drinking game or something like that to get you relax and fun and then do the dare challenge.

A bar is a great place to do dares, you can dare each other to:
  • Get the number of the hottest girl in the bar the quickest!


  • Dare each other to see whoever gets a drink for free in any way they want to.

I could think hundreds of ways to have fun in a bar with Truth or Dare. All that you need is courage and balls.

What would your best dare for a bar be?

Let us know in the comments.

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Truth or Dare in a club
by: Francis

I'm going to try playing the game in a bar or club the next time I'm going out with my buddies!

Should help me "win" some free drinks off those that don't do the dares ;) And with the fun we'll be having, it'll be a blast for everyone!

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Dance Dare!

by Salma Munye
( Seattle, Washington ,USA)

I have to go downstairs and dance the weirdest funniest dance ever.

I was embarrassed, my sister told me to go downstairs and do the hollem shake, chicken dance, wopen gun lap style, the twist, and for the end I had to try and a cart wheel.

I was scared and I was grounded stayed in my room for a week!

Don’t do it if you dare.


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