Dare Ideas for Girls

Part 5 – How to get them to do the dares

Learn to be an irresistibly charming daredevil! Get the girls to play with your mischievous side ;)

Funny girl

Click here to read the part 4 of the interview "Good Dares for Truth or Dare Party"


Imaginations of other persons are enough. We have a lot of creative dares. What would you do if you have your friends on your party, you have Amada and you guys. And then you say: 

“Let’s play truth or dare!”

And then Amanda says,

“No I don’t like truth or dare, that’s lame. “

What would you do? I think that’s a hard question, so we have to think about it hard.


I think, I know. 

Well, you told everyone that you have this party where you want to play this game, so it doesn’t matter if someone decided just in a second that they don’t want you to play this game. He has the choice to join you and to play the game with you and your friends and to have fun with you. But if he decides that he doesn’t want to pay this game, then he has the right to leave. So, Amada should be asked to leave. 


After all the trouble you went through to invite Amanda, the hot school cheerleader? You invite her to your party, and then she says “I don’t want to play Truth or Dare” - you would sent her home? You would really do that?


The question is if she would really leave. 

I think it’s more probable that she would just say “Well okay, I don’t want to go home. It’s so dark outside, then I guess I’ll just stay here and play that stupid game with you stupid boys.”


So you would just “threaten her” or bluff with sending her home? And so she has the alternative to go home and be boring or to just play the game. So she has to choose to play the game. 


She doesn’t want to, of course, but she has to because it’s so dark outside and so cold and she is just a little girl (with an ironic tone).


I think you’re very mean. (laughs) But I think being mean is the key to success in playing this “game.”

So, we have the girls and the boys who want to play the game out of their own will. And we have some mean dares prepared, or you haven’t. 

My suggestion would be: Gather you guy friends before you start the party and just put on small pieces of paper several ideas of truth or dare in a hat. 

When the party starts, everyone improvises, and just invents some truth or dare, and when somebody does not know, they take it out of the hat. That’s what I like to do. What do you think?


I think it would be a great idea because I think creativity is one of the most important things about this game. And I think it’s one of the very special things about this game that you have the possibility to shape this game and to customize it just how you want it to be. 

And you don’t depend on this game like “Oh my God, these are the rules and I have to follow everything” you can shape it to your own needs. And you can use this to get what you want.


Okay, you can shape the game and use it to get what you want. That sounds kind of morally wrong… But okay, let’s go with it. 

I think that’s some sort of key moment we have here, whenever your friends are together, and we’re playing Truth or Dare. 

We have arrived to the point where we can’t control the party according to our wishes. This sounds a little bit “MUHAHAHA (evil laugh)”, a little bit “tough”, but let’s go with it.


(Imitating Darth Vader snoring voice) “I’m your father.”

I think it’s a lot like magic: 

You can easily control the whole party, and you just do some totally goofy things in the beginning and tell the people to do some crazy, totally challenging things.


Can you give an example?


Click here to read the part 6 of the interview "Fun Truth or Dare Questions"

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