Don't be a party pooper and do the dare already!

by Francis

Truth or Dare is really fun, but there is one thing that can be an instant kill-joy:

that's if you don't do the dare!

Look at the video here:

A nice party, both girls and boys there, all are motivated to play: and then there is a dare:

  • Hump the wall for 15 seconds
  • Which is a real fun dare to watch by the way...

    A solid, sexy dare that is safe to do for anyone... who has some balls!

    Check out how it is done right (with some sort of class):

    That didn't hurt right? So don't go out running from a fun game over something minor than a little humping. Nobody gets pregnant from that, and it sure beat running naked around the block!

    Or is humping the wall really such a bad dare? Perhaps it's different for girls and guys.

    Would you do it in front of your friends?

    Comments for Don't be a party pooper and do the dare already!

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    dont do dares all the time
    by: Anonymous

    If you play dare all the time without even flinching a little bit that's creepy.

    You can at least pretend that it's a little bit embarrassing...

    play or do something else
    by: Jonny

    The whole point of the game is to play. If you don't want to do the dare, you should be playing something else.

    Like chess or hide and seek.

    Play Dares only if you have balls or don't play at all...

    by: Peter

    Some people get involved in the game before really understand who their opponents are. What is the limit of the dares and truth that they are able to accept? It’s a great game to get people closer and it could break people too. So if you don’t think you can handle it, just don’t play it or you should let others know where’s your limit is before it get started.

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