Dress up dare horror

We were all on a school trip, and I am lucky enough to be invited into the girls room to play truth or dare. This seemed like fun, so I obviously said yes.

They were using a truth or dare app, and the first few dares were tame, like kiss or shout something.

But then a dare came up for me saying:

"Model an outfit or selection of outfits... chosen by someone else in the group!"

The girls talked among themselves for a while, before coming up with my outfit... A blue tight tank top, denim shorts and high heels, complete with a bra and undies.

I decided to cooperate, seeing as noone had backed out of a dare yet, and went into the bathroom to change. When I came out, they asked me to pose, and took photos on their cameras.

They said they wanted to see if I looked good in any other outfits, so they gave me a blouse and tight skirt to wear, with the same heels and underwear.

But this time, when I stepped out of the bathroom, they pinned me to the bed and started putting makeup on me!

When they decided I was sufficiently "glammed up" they grabbed me by the hand, and said that we were going into the local town.

Needless to say I looked quite convincing, and took a few looks before people realised I was male. Now the pictures are all over facebook, to amuse the world.

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Jun 13, 2012
You poor (?) thing ;)
by: Francis

I'm feeling with you, man. Thought you might get lucky for a second at the beginning of your story.

But look how it ended up. I would have protested so much against the pictures. (Heck, even against the dare - they would have to dress down quite a bit before I would even think of "dressing up" like that!)

You still can be happy that they didn't try to hook you up with a guy in the end. That would have been the ultimate evil move ;)

Nov 12, 2012
Dress Up
by: Anonymous

I would love to have an experience like this. Having the girls dress me up and take me out would be fantastic.

Jul 13, 2015
I had to do something similar.
by: Anonymous

I was dared to let a girl dress me up in her clothes. But in my case, they just stole my clothes to force me to cooperate when they gave me my makeover. After they did most of the work, they made me do my own lipstick and nails so they could get plenty of pictures.

They didn't exactly take me out in public, but when they (as agreed) gave me my boy clothes back at the end of the night, they poured a bucket of water all over them first so I couldn't wear them. I had to walk home in my skirt and heels.

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