Drinking Story! Partners swapped.

Couples Dancing and Having Fun

Couples Dancing and Having Fun

(Photo From rolands.lakis)

It's story of myself. I am now 34 years old. I got married 10 years back. This is story of my honeymoon. I along with my husband "Deepak" and one more couple went to Manali (A tourist spot in India) for honeymoon.

Drinking Stories partner swap
Ready for a Partner Swap
(Photo from Peter Gene)
We were so excited about our new married life. So to make it interested we all got drunk on that night. I was drinking for the very first time so I was just drinking and drinking without knowing the consequences.

Our friends they also got fully drunk. We started dancing and laughing in the restaurant. All of us got out of control.

So very respectfully the owner of that restaurant showed us the way out. So we left restaurant and went to our hotel. There also we started singing and dancing. And we forgot where our rooms are.

At the end, waiter showed us the way to our rooms. By the time that waiter knew us very well. But we were so drunk that mistakenly we changed our husbands.

Instead of Deepak I went with his friend in his room and Deepak went with his friend's wife. Actually that was our first night. So we started making love with each other and somebody knocked on our door. And when we opened that the waiter was outside.

Drinking Stories WaiterWaiter and the Couples
(Photo from cpence via Flickr)
He understood the situation and he exchanged us with our real partners. When we wake up in the morning I was with my husband. We made our first night. Later on the waiter asked us about the night. But we did not remember. So he told us what happened.

We are still so thankful to the waiter that we made our first night with our real husbands.

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Jun 26, 2020
Are u serious NEW
by: Nikkiraj

What a joke?

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