Extreme Truth or Dare Got Out of Hands

by Alicia
(Miami, USA)

They all are ready to turn the night into the best truth or dare party

They all are ready to turn the night into the best truth or dare party

This Funny "Truth or Dare" Video is a masterpiece, it starts out very innocently, but since the players do not know any restraint, it end ups in the total unexpected manner.

Young people got together to spend to spend a funny evening with games and a new guy is joining the group called Drew, who has no idea that what is he up to and what would happen then? In fact the night was Truth or dare game night.

They asked him if he has played it before and not knowing what was waiting for him he said: "I am the king of Truth or Dare". So as they said they go straight to the goods, the first dare was the least extreme from all of the rest and one guy is dared to have sex with one of the girls, right there, right now just behind the couch.

Drew was as shocked as he could not believe his eyes and while those two were having fun behind the couch, the rest of the group were casually talking and discussing as if nothing would happen. It's funny to see after that guy and girl are done, guy got up and said that he deserves a Cheeto for that and high-fives everyone.

The Next dare is even worse. One girl dares the other to let her back burn with a hair curling iron. At this moment Drew's eyes were popped out of his head and he frantically tries to stop the dare happening, needless to say that he does not succeed.

This is the moment where everybody knows that this video is off course iron ironically, but its fun itself that is for sure. Now it's Drew's Turn and he is off course very careful and when he is asked to choose truth or dare, where everyone else in the game answered "Dare" in a very triumphing way, so very carefully he says "Truuuuth" so they all murmur in agreement and covered up by saying that it's funny that you mixed the game up.

Then they ask him this mean "Truth" question. They actually ask him that how hard he cried over his grandfather's funeral which was not so long ago and then they did all kinds of mean and exaggerated expressions and imitation and asked him in a very humiliating way that one of these cries are his?

Now it is Drew's turn to proceed the game who was just humiliated enough by others, so he asked the Asian guy to eat all the snacks in the bowl. It's almost cute to see how he thinks that how much this dare is funny for the group but everyone looked in shock at him, amazed that someone would ask such a stupid dare.

The girl who brought Drew along at this party is really ashamed but they all brushed it off that Ok you did a mistake, let's try again later. Meanwhile the Asian guy is dared to rip out a leg of a random person outside which he does and brings out a fake but really looking like a ripped out leg and some blood on his face.

So now Drew gets another chance to redeem himself, after thinking hard he dares one guy to smell the feet of the other one. That's where he snaps, the guy who is dared, throws his drink across the room and shouts at Drew "WHAT THE F***, HAVE YOU EVER PLAYED TRUTH OR DARE BEFORE?!?"

Drew should have known that when playing Truth or dare with this group he should better bring out his A game! As they all argue loudly and Drew even get called a Pu**y by one of the girls.

The temperature of the room is already heated up and Drew loses his temperament and asks for a gun, interestingly both girls put out the gun and handed over him, he then proceeds the argument by saying "Do you want extremer Dares, Do you really want them?" and then shoots his own palm.

Oh My God, no one has any pity for him, the all just lose like the party is over but not because he shot himself but because he just did not follow the rules, and he was not even dared to do this. So they left alone all the ambitions to continue the play, even the girl who invited him at this party was sobbing
"He said that he played this game before...?!"

Whatever you do after watching this video:

Don't try this at home, Kids!

Photos from Flyinace2000 and dicharry

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Not good
by: DoReMi

The ideas of dare that went on the video is totally scary to me.

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