Truth Dare Double Dare Promise or Opinion

Dared to lick a candy

Dared to lick a candy

In the UK, that’s how some of the players call the game. Double Dare are harder dares or responses to a dare sort of countering the previous dare. But it must be harder.


I dare you to lick this candy.

- Double Dare! I dare you to lick this old plate!

Promise is to do an often public dare later and there is also Opinion.

Opinion lets everyone rate a certain thing or person on a scale of 1 to 10. Often it is the attractiveness of someone (Who is cuter?) from a choice of two.

(Photos: BurningQuestion and flawedartist)

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A Hot Way to Choose Truths and Dares Randomly

by Suzy

The next time you play Truth or Dare - try out this variant that fairly distributes the dares. Instead of writing the ideas down and putting them into a hat...

Put them into the back pockets of the one male and female player with the hottest butts!

Each pocket has to be labelled "Truth" or "Dare" so that you know what you pick when you are happily groping... um choosing your idea from the player of your preference.

You got to have a good choice for both girls and guys!

Have fun with the "Truth or Dare Ass" ;)

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Truth or Dare Chicken Card

Chicken card to the rescue!

Chicken card to the rescue!

Some players use the so-called “Chicken Card” if they don’t want to do an embarrassing dare. Often, when the dare is not completed to the satisfaction of the group, the player is also called “Chicken”.

Younger player often play with tho option of a “Chicken Card” because they are often not confident (or crazy) enough to complete some of the dares. It also has the advantage that the players will not issue too heavy dares – since they know about the “Chicken Card”.

Some play it in a way that everyone has a limited number of “Chicken Card” which they can use before they are “out”. If another “Chicken Card” is used, often the players will punish the dared person with an even more embarrassing dare!

(Photo: muhawi001)

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Truth, Dare, Double Dare, Promise to Repeat, Hot Chili Peppers, Licorice, Electric Chair

Be ready for some

Be ready for some

The name of the title is actually another variation of Truth or Dare. The first ones are obviously answering a question truthfully and doing an action. Double dares are just harder and more extreme dares.

Promise to repeat, which some groups call double dare, means that both the darer as well as the person asked have to do the same dare. More precisely, the person asked has to promise to repeat the dare performed by the person asking. Usually this will be something which does not embarrass the darer but only the dared person, like removing the shirt is not a problem for a boy but is for most girls!

Hot chili peppers means that you have to French kiss (with tongue!) an object chosen by the darer. Usually that will be something of extreme taste or something disgusting.

Licorice means that you need to lick something or someone anywhere of the darer's choice.

Electric Chair finally means that you have to fulfil three dares in a row.

Images are courtesy from

Photo by Maja Dumat - (chili)

jessicafm (licorice)

Lunchbox Photography (electric chair)

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