Fun Truth or Dare Questions

Part 6 – Getting everyone to relax with easy but fun dares at first

Get your dare party started with some easier dares and questions first! Everyone will have fun with the dares and you can go to more embarrassing dares after that...

woman thinking with question marks

Click here to read the part 5 of the interview "Dare Ideas for Girls"


You choose special Dares at the beginning of the party to get them to relax and more chilled out. Those dares would be something like “dance like a bear and sing your favorite song from when you were a child.”


Okay, let’s just exchange ideas just from the top of our heads, for childish dares at the beginning of the game until we ran out of ideas, okay?




Just whatever pops into our head. 




I’ll start. “If you’re a boy, shake your butt like Shakira or any other girl in a music video and do it very sexy and very girly” and “if you’re a girl, just be like Eminem do very cool moves and behave very manly and run around with legs wide apart and have your trousers at your knees” and stuff like that.


“Grab the ears of your left neighbor, make engine noises like a car and pretend you’re driving a car with the ears being the steering wheel!” (Making engine noises.)


“Imitate a person of your choice and the group has to choose which person you have imitated. So just exaggerate a lot.”


Not very easy. 


Not easy, yes


“Perform your most embarrassing dance moves.”


"You have ten seconds for every person on the group to force them to laugh, you can make funny faces, you can make jokes but you cannot touch them at all. So you have to bring everyone to laugh within 15 seconds for each person, and if you don’t succeed, then the group can decide a punishment for you."


“You have to tell them who’s the most embarrassing person you know. You have to act like this person without laughing.”


“Prank call a person you know and everybody at the party knows. A friend who is not at the party. Call him and pretend you are a pizza delivery service. Even if they recognize your voice, you have to insist that you are not the person they think you are, but you’re still delivering pizza. Draw the joke out as long as you can.” 


“Have the group give you a new nickname, a really embarrassing one.”


And then they have to keep it for the rest of the day!



I think another one would be: 

“The group chooses what task you have to do for the rest of the day, or maybe for some minutes. Like, you have to speak with a special accent, like a German one or a French one and you have to keep it up.”


I think we have enough ideas now. So, in the beginning we want to have some simple dares like “Say the alphabet out loud from Z to A as fast as possible.”

After some time, it gets boring. Right?


Just some easy dares that everyone is able to do and no one will complain about what you do with them, the only need is to laugh about yourself and to relax.


After everybody gets relaxed and knows each other, we pick up the pace and do harder dares. Is that right?


At this point, the whole troop will be really greedy to do some harder dares.


Click here to read the part 7 of the interview "Harder Dares"

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