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Jan 23, 2015
Blindfold Touch
by: Mike

Dare a person to put a blindfold on and allow the other players to verbally direct the blindfolded players hand to a part of the other players body they want them to touch.

Mar 23, 2015
Funny dares
by: Farin

  • Act as a drunker
  • Act as a monkey
  • Act as a mental person

May 15, 2015
Karaoke Dance
by: Jay

Dare: Someone chooses a song and you do your best karaoke rendition to it. Recording encouraged.

Jul 01, 2015
These random dares
by: Helen

  1. Prank call a friend and ask "Quick, what's the number for 911?!?" Then hang up really fast.

  2. Run outside and scream at the top of your lungs "*aaaay macaroni*".

  3. Call a takeout place and order heaps and heaps of food for a neighbour/friend/enemy (do it from a payphone).

Aug 10, 2015
Shopping Shamble
by: Amy

I had to buy 3 items from a store wearing a shirt only (no underwear) and while I was shopping my friends drove away!

Aug 25, 2015
If you're horny for dares
by: Anonymous

  • Take off all of your clothes (everyone) and jump on a trampoline or if you don't have one you get naked for 3 more rounds

  • Order a pizza and when it comes be in nothing and say hello there sexy and try and really turn him/her on if the person at the door is a guy a girl gets the Dare and so on.

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