Pick a Group Icebreaker Game to Get the Party Started

The Dancing Game As The Road to Fame

The group icebreaker game "The Dancing Game As The Road to Fame" is best played at parties with loud music.

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When everyone participates it can draw interesting talents from the people playing. The act of dancing, being creative and doing a fun and entertaining group activity brings one’s party alive and keeps everyone engaged for hours, sharing, laughing and enjoying their 3 to 5 minutes of fame.

In addition to the dancing, one can add karaoke to the mix! It only makes things more exciting, challenging and fun for the crowd. Those bold enough to take on the added challenge are making the commitment to multi-task and show off their entertainment prowess.

The rules:

  • Everyone must pair up as boy and girl teams
  • The girls get to choose the boy that they want to be their duet partner.
  • Each duet must have a private discussion of what dance they want to perform
  • They get about five minutes to practice their routine.
  • They select the music and begin the dance.
  • The couple that elects to go first gets five bonus points for guts.

When the competition heats up, everyone tries to dance best to get more points. Points are awarded by applause and the couple with the most points wins.

There are three categories of prizes.

  1. The first prize is for the best dance duet.
  2. The second prize is for the most talented and versatile couple that does dancing and karaoke the best.
  3. Then, the final prize is for the couple that is the most creative in their routine with unusual steps, moves and performance.
Music system

(Photo from JVCAmerica via Flickr)

You'll need

  • A good music system
  • A dance floor
  • A karaoke machine
  • and a large selection of music.

It is a big hit for family parties, date party ice breakers that make mixing and socializing easier and lots of fun for talented teens and kids in the family. Make sure to have prizes prepared for the winners and your party will be a great hit with all your talented guests.

Dummies or Marionette

  • Invite everyone to dance and get the music going.
  • When the music stops everyone has to freeze in the position they were in - until the music starts to play again.
  • Anyone who can't hold their pose is out

Don't miss the fun in taking photos from the freezed dancers doing funny poses!

Girls dancing at party

(Photo from Shane's Stuff)


Another great group ice breaker game is Sherlock.

  • Each man fills out a card with information about them. It can include anything from interests to physical features. This will influence the difficulty of the game.
  • Then the girls have to choose their dancing partners after guessing the man from the description alone. If you dance with the right guy you win!
dancing couple

(Photo from Jenni's Pictures Rock)

This group icebreaker game helps people to get to know each other. Adding in the dancing means that things don't come to a standstill, should the party be stiff or more business oriented.

This group icebreaker game is especially fun at family reunions because each family member can put little known facts about themselves on the cards that have to be solved.

This helps you getting to know the people you already love even better!

Any games can be made fun with the right attitude and host. Even well known children's games can be a blast like

  • three legged races
  • egg balancing on spoons
  • jumps, number limbo and so much more.

It is really about having a great host with a lot of energy and charisma who can keep the fun going!

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