I am the puppet master

by Thomas
(Glasgow )

So here is my true truth or dare story. So me and my friend Ross (who is a tall boy with ginger hair and has a near sixpack) were having a sleepover and my parents were out of town.

So when he got over we decided to play truth or dare. It then turned into to dares.

"I dare you to do the Macarena in only your underwear"

I dared Ross.

"Easy" said Ross and he did it, it was so funny.

"I dare you to give me a footrub-"


"-in a jockstrap" so I did this.

Then we decided we should play rock, paper, scissors bets which is dares but it works to way. I finally said "let's do the looser has to be the other persons slave".

Ross agreed and I won. So the fun would begin!

The first issue was uniform. He had to wear a diaper and was gagged with my dirty gym shorts.

The second thing was rules:

Rule 1 is never look your master in the eye.

Rule 2 is you never go to the bathroom (that is why you have the diaper. If you went to the toilet in the diaper it will be taken off you at meal times.)

Rule 3 (I decided to remove this for the younger readers. But a dirty mind could imagine that it could have something to do with the content of the diapers... - the Webmaster.)

Rule 4 you must assist me all the time, rub my feet every time I sit down you rub my feet or be my foot rest. If I go to the toilet you will wipe my arse and then kiss it.

Rule 5 you never speak without permission. Failure to abide by these rules will be either spanking or humiliation.

To be continued...

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Jun 15, 2013
Intriguing start, Thomas!
by: Francis

Thanks for this interesting start of a sleepover story, that probably will go on to be even more extreme.

I had to edit out your Rule number 3, because we have people from all ages reading. But when I read it, I was pretty shocked.

Did Ross do all of this? He must be pretty into you to go that far...

Very interested if you will send us a continuation of your story...!

Nov 02, 2013
by: Anonymous

you have got to put more stories like this, i have 2 admit, that is awesome

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