Ice Breaker Games for Parties

by Tina
(Los Angeles, California )

In this one game you take the first letters of each person's name, and make a sentence out of it. For example;

  • MARY- Moonpies Are Really Yummy.
  • Or I can use my name, which is TINA. Trees In Nature's Autumn.
This can be a great tension loosener, and break the ice.

Alphabet Game

Another game is going through the alphabet, and making a game of using each letter to describe something.

It could be anything. For example, A is for apple, B is for bear, C is for cat.

Musical Chairs

Another game is musical chairs, where everyone walks around chairs until the music stops. Then everyone must grab a chair before the music stops.

There is always one less chair, so you have to be quick and fight for the chair when the music stops. At the end of the game it's two people with one chair. Whoever manages to sit in the last chair wins the game.

Scavenger Hunt

Icebreaker Games for Parties Playing Scavenger Hunt
Playing Scavenger Hunt
(Photo from anniebanannie2006)

You can have a scavenger hunt game in the house, where everyone must find items on a list.

They are handed the list as they enter the house. It could be 15 items.

For example it could be a...

  • Banana

  • Blue sock

  • Pair of tweezers

  • Sunglasses

  • Red pen

  • DVD

  • Book, etc.

Icebreakers for Adults

Another game can be played with men and women. It has a dice that you roll, and on the dice it says:

  • Lick

  • Hug

  • Kiss

  • Caress face

  • Suck finger

  • Sensual back massage.

It's an adults only game.

TV Drinking Game

There's another game where you can take a shot of vodka, or any alcohol drink, each time someone does something in a TV show.

For example, every time Lucy in "I Love Lucy", cries, or says "ewww", then take a shot. Or if Lucy angers Ricky you take a shot.

Strip Poker

Another familiar game is Strip Poker. Every time you lose at a hand of cards, you must remove one item of clothes, presumably until everyone is naked.

This game can be erotic, or embarrassing, depending on who you are.

Truth or Dare

You can also play a truth or dare game. You either ask truth or dare, and the person must pick "truth" or "dare".

If it's truth someone has to tell a truth about a secret, and if it's a dare, then the person asking must tell the other person to do something.

For example, when I played truth or dare, I picked dare, and I had to run down the street topless at midnight. Luckily, no one saw me.

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Dec 31, 2011
No strangers
by: Emily

I don’t know why, I don’t like to play Truth or Dare with strangers. Not fun.

Oct 31, 2011
by: Anonymous

A nice set of ice breaker games for parties... whatever happened to just talking it out? Some of these are a bit much, though... what kind of kinky orgy thing are you wanting. Reallly? EWW!

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