Need ideas for birthday party presents? A setup of Truth or Dare is the most unique gift ever!

One of the most unusual ideas for birthday party gifts is to set up a game of Truth or Dare for the birthday child with your friends.

This gift is best suited for someone who would love to have a really fun party but lacks the place, friends or organization skills to set it up by himself.

When you do that for him, he will never forget you. Ever.

After spin the bottle, truth or dare
(Photo from juliejordanscott)

First, you need a crew!

Playing Truth or Dare requires a lot of trust in each other.

Therefore, focus on core group of friends with whom you played the game before. They are your "Homies". They will know how the evening will be going along and they will know exactly what hits them.

Friends posing before playing truth or dare
(Photo from whateva87)

However, of course, do not close yourself up for the opportunity in meeting new people. Introduce one or two people to your Truth or Dare Party.

Do not involve too many new faces at once. Give your friends time to get to know each other at normal parties before you get them together and set up the party game.

Make sure the new guys are not from the same clique. Else they will stay between themselves. They will be "forced" to mingle with the rest of the group. The group in turn should take very good care of welcoming the new friends well. Make them feel part of your group. Then they will follow with the flow.

Start small and start with relatively harmless dares or truths

If you play some harmless dares, start out with dares any child could play:

  • imitate an animal
  • do a silly dance
  • make funny faces

Use some of these Truth questions which will definitively start some great and controversial conversations. Or use your own!

  • Did you ever have a blackout after drinking alcohol?
  • Do you have a crazy hobby?
  • Did you ever get an autograph and from whom?
  • Do you think that unshaved female legs are unattractive?
  • Do you always have a look at the behind of the other sex?
  • Did you ever sent out an anonymous love letter?

Other ideas for birthday party presents: Prepare a set of Truths and Dares, nicely print them out on cards and present them in a box! Or record a video with your friends chaotically yelling them into the camera!

Play similar but less outgoing games first

Performing a Pantomime Activity
(Photo from jyjou)

One very popular game is called ACTIVITY.

Its rules are learnt real quickly and after playing it, people are already familiar with each other. Actions like pantomime and scribbling hilarious drawings are a lot of fun already.

Bring this fun game along too, if you are still looking for more ideas for birthday party presents.

Warm up the new friends!

A good way to warm up the new faces to the group: challenge them in a friendly way.

When they're having a good time, tease them just a little bit. Let them know that you are used to having great fun and ask jokingly if they are able to cope that.

"I'm sure you have had crazier parties than these. This one is rather mild - yet. Last time we partied it went completely crazy, you cannot imagine! I hope you could cope with it if it happened today too."

This will make them very curious about what is about to happen.

Don't tease them too hard, or they will feel unworthy of inadequate and judged! Have a friendly and playful voice when challenging them.

The new friends have an advantage: with them being new and not knowing everyone from the group, they can be more playful and fun than they are used to in their old clique.

With the right kind of attitude, you can awaken party tigers. Just what you need when you want to fulfill one of the best ideas for birthday party presents!

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