Australian Truth or Dare Variants

by Dylan

Tickling : a popular

Tickling : a popular

In Australia, they play Truth or dare with a popular variant called Truth, Dare or Torture.
But although the word torture seems to sound cruel, they only mean meaner and even more humiliating dares than normal.

With young kids (under 13) there exists also another variant called Truth, Dare, Double Dare, Kiss, Touch or Torture.

Double dare means that both the asker and the person asked have to fulfil the dare.

Kiss just lets the asker designate the person asked another one to kiss – usually someone which the asker thinks has a crush on the asked person or just someone not liked by the asked person.

Touch means that the designed player has to touch something disgusting.

Torture in this case really means what it says, but fortunately the most popular torture is only tickling! Normally the group decides how long the torture has to go on and of course also rejects anything which is too mean.

(Photo courtesy of ganesha.isis)

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Portuguese Truth or Dare: Verdade, consequencia, nota ou preferencia

Verdade ou Consequência - Portuguese for Truth or Dare

Verdade ou Consequência - Portuguese for Truth or Dare

A popular variant of Truth or Dare played in Portugal expands the simpler "Verdade ou Consequência" (Portuguese for "Truth or Dare").

When someone answers "Nota" (this means "grade"), he or she must mark someone or something on a scale from 1-10.

When "Preferência" (preference) is chosen, a choice between to options given by the person asking has to be made. Often, the choice is between a woman and a man or between two friends.

(Photos from agu2000_de (left) and MSVG (right))

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Feb 12, 2012
Any Portuguese Visitors Playing Truth or Dare?
by: Francis

It's awesome that you sent in your post from such a nice country - I had the pleasure to visit there once!

I don't speak any Portuguese though - so I have no idea what the comment from the DareDude above actually means ;)

Any Portuguese playing Truth or Dare (or "Verdade, consequencia, nota ou preferencia") ready to leave a shout out to your people here?!

Jun 03, 2011
Re: "Verdade ou Consequência"
by: DareDude

"Verdade ou Consequência"
viver por muito tempo

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Indian Truth, Dare or Situation

Truth Dare Situation is great for big a group of guys!

Truth Dare Situation is great for big a group of guys!

In India, a popular variation of the game is called Truth, Dare, Situation. Truth and Dare are like always either a question which has to be answered truthfully or an action which has to be fulfilled.

"Situation" is a third possible choice. The person who asked can freely describe any situation and ask how the person asked would act in this fictional situation. The person asked then has to improvise and describe how they would act, given the situation.

Some examples for Truth or Dare Situation:


... a thief comes to your house at night: Your mobile phone does not work and your parents are not at home.

... you won the lottery but have promised to use the money only for helping others.

... you had super powers and could freely choose between them. What would be your number one superpower?

What do you do?

(Photo from Piyush Chandra)

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Action ou Vérité

In French, the game is called Action ou Vérité, which means "do something or say the truth". But it's pretty similar to truth or dare as far as I know.

Est-ce qu'il y a des Francais qui connaissent des bonnes actions ou vérités?

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