Let's Play Truth or Dare

Part 1 – Introduction to the game and prerequisites

Peek behind the scenes to learn to play Truth or Dare from two experienced Dare Masters for a most unforgettable awesome time!

Adult balloon party


Let’s talk about our favorite party game: Truth or Dare. What comes to mind?


Well, I think the interesting thing about Truth or Dare is the way you present it. You give anybody and nobody in the word the chance to be somebody...


When you say any nobody can be somebody - how do you mean it?


I think there are so many young boys out there in the world that just wish to be able to touch a woman or the girl that they want to touch. But they just don’t know how to do it! 

And you give them an instruction, a very easy instruction how to do it and they just have to follow these easy steps to get to their goal.


So essentially, every boy wants to get with the girl he likes. And when you play Truth or Dare, you have a method to do this?


I think the really exciting thing about Truth or Dare is that it’s so easy. You just have to follow these easy steps, step by step and then you can be sure that you will be able to do things you never thought that you’d ever be able to do.


Okay. I think that sounds awfully great! Which steps are you thinking of?


Well, I think if you just organize some booze and…


Some booze… you mean some alcohol?


Yes, some alcohol and invite some friends to your home. You go into a room where you can chill out and have some music in the background. And you need a relaxed atmosphere. When you play this game, then all the people will be caught in the game. They cannot escape it.


Let me back up for a second. We have 

  • a private room with music
  • a laid back and relaxed atmosphere
  • fun people at our party.

How will the party go on? What do you mean with the chilled out atmosphere? You mentioned alcohol…?


Everybody has some friends. If you invite your good friends, the people you are used to, and maybe the girl you like… You would like to speak to her. Then you just can go to her and say “Hey, I have this cool party tonight at my home!” 

Invite her to this party then you’ll be able to kiss her…


Let me stop you for a second. You’re saying to me that this one girl, which you have a crush on for all your life in school, you will be able to first of all talk to her, and you will have a good subject to talk to her about…? 


And she will be interested in it!


And then you said you will be able to kiss her?


Yes and maybe more. You will be able to touch her, or to do crazy things with her, you will be able to have fun with her! If you have fun with somebody, that creates a link between you and the person you have fun with. 

And so you’ll be able to get the girl. 


Now I’m motivated to learn all about Truth or Dare, but we still haven’t talked about the specific details yet. We have to talk about the details of alcohol. There seems to be alcohol involved into playing Truth or Dare. Could you talk more about that?


I think it’s essential that you choose a location where you’re sure that you won’t be disturbed, and where you can be on your own if you need to.


So you choose a location where you have privacy.


The best event is where you have a big enough location with a good atmosphere and some music in the background. If you have a Hi-fi stereo, or MP3 player in the background, you can set up a good music system. 


What sort of music would you like to hear at this sort of party?


Well I think that depends on who’s playing this game, maybe something like a trance or house music or any other electronic music would be good, and it should be music which is really relaxing.


Of course I know what you’re talking about but I have just been “playing dumb” for the sake of the interview. Now, we have privacy and we have electronic music which is relaxing but not so much that it puts our guests to sleep. (laughs)


Yes, that’s essential because if you put a lullaby on the stereo and everybody will sleep, they will not care what you’re doing…


Let’s say we are in your personal room, and you’re still living with your parents. Let’s say you’re sixteen years old. All your friends live with their parents, too. What sort of room would you propose to have privacy in when you are living with your parents? You have a small room. Any idea?


I think it would be best if you know somebody whose parents are not at home so you can be sure that they won’t hear anything, or won’t come into your room.


Best of all would be to have free home. We have 

  • relaxing music
  • some alcohol
  • free home

What sort of people would we want to invite?


I think the most important thing is that you invite those people you like to be together with. So invite people you think are interesting and who might just need a little push into the right direction to open their minds to do some crazy stuff.


And let’s say that you don’t find them in your social circle because your friends are all narrow minded and won’t do crazy stuff. What would you do?


Persuade your friends to be more open-minded and relaxed with the game. During the game, you get more relaxed and you just do crazy things - it’s part of the game. 

And I think that’s one very important point about the game. You have the possibility to be as outgoing as you want. You don’t have to think “Oh my god what am I doing?” You can just shut down your brain. Do anything you want and make some new memories.


I understand what you mean because we shared some crazy memories together.

But let’s say that our audience is a very shy, modest 16-year old school boy. He is not out going much and does not have a lot of courage. What would you suggest him to do to get more courageous for these sorts of games?


I would tell him: You have the exclusive possibility, the exclusive chance to do something that you always dreamed about - but never were able to pull off.

If that does not help, there is always another possibility to lose your shyness during the game... 


And a good thing about alcohol is, it loosens the tongue. It lets you say your honest opinion. In a way, you will be able to bond better with other people. And you get the chance to know each other much better. From a perspective you never saw each other from before.


You know, there is a saying: 

Alcohol has been the social lubricant for 2,000 years. 

Of course, if we talk to our (US based) audience, we need you to make sure you are of age when drinking alcohol. In some European countries, you can begin drinking alcohol legally from the age of 16 onwards. In the US, you have to be 21 to drink alcohol, I believe. 

But if you are of age and if you can do it without getting in trouble, then drinking alcohol can be an adventure and helpful if you don’t overdo it.


I agree. 


Click here to read the part 2 of the interview "Party Invitation Ideas"

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