Musical laps and String beads game

by John
(Czech republic)

I went to a party 20 years ago and which was the birthday for a girl and her very wild friends. My very straight girlfriend was also invited but I had a feeling, an intuition if you like. At the time I'd heard a few stories about this group of lager ladies and so I told my girlfriend I was going out with mates.

I turned up and the party was pretty normal for about 2 hours. Then one girl blew a whistle and everyone was told to make a circle. The compere girl led the proceedings quite enthusiastically. First she went round each guy and girl and mocking them for some physical feature or something she knew they'd done in the past. Then she introduced the first game, which was to be musical laps.

Because of the number of people, (and chairs), this had to be done in two sittings. I was not called for in the first sitting. I watched as a row of chairs were arranged in the middle and all the guys sat down. Then the girls circled the chairs (while dancing) and when the music stopped they had to sit on a lap. The girls didn't get out. The game was arranged so that there was exactly one more male - and if no female sat on his lap he had to remove his trousers. If he WASN'T landed on a second time, he also had to remove his underpants. Obviously, it goes without saying that the girls intentionally lap-danced the guys. In the first round, the losers were given the choice to 'be out' or to remove their underpants and all chose to be out.

I was made to take part in the second sitting, and you guessed it, I lost both my trousers and my underpants! The compere refused to let me be out. Then she cleared the chairs and the hottest girl was told to lap-dance me for 2 minutes. The girl really ground her hips into me. Suddenly, I was lifted off the chair by two heavy guys and exposed for everyone to see! It's lucky I am such a good sport.

The next game involved everyone at once. We were all told to make a train girl/boy/girl/boy with our hands on the hips of the person in front. The compere then took out a ball of string and told us that we were going to pass it through the knickers of every person in the room. However, we were not allowed to fish it through our own pants. After that she was going to send some beads down along the string. These beads had to be fished through to the end.

The game began and I have to say that this is probably the best party game I have ever played. The compere girl was extremely persuasive. Combined with the drink and the occasion, she convinced all the girls to take part, except two. There is something rather nice about putting your hands in a stranger's knickers. I had to do this for the girl behind and the girl in front. In turn, the piece of string was 'helped' through my own underwear. As you can imagine, certain obstacles will be brushed against unavoidably!

Then came the beads. These were very fiddly. By that time, everybody was feeling and checking out everybody else's underwear. Some girls in mini-skirts had literally got their knickers in a twist. Their knickers were falling down their legs! The night ended with two girls (one fat, one thin) streaking round the garden and then running through the house.

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Jul 20, 2012
Dare Mastery
by: Francis

John, you sir, have mastered the art of having fun with the right kind of people :D

Great story!

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