My Kissing Story with Twin Sisters

Double Delight

Double Delight

(Photo from Richard Masoner / Cyclelicious)

Back in 2003, when I was just a freshman at the University of Iowa, we all used to go to a bar called Malones every Friday night. This bar would get wild and crazy as the night would progress on Fridays.

The drinks were cheap for guys and free for ladies, so you can definitely imagine at the end of the night, the crowd would be very intoxicated. At Malones there was a small dance floor up on a mini stage in the back of the bar.

This small dance floor would get absolutely jam packed! I would frequently go up there because it always had a large selection of females up there to choose from. This particular night the crowd was especially rowdy and once my buddies and I got in the door, I headed straight up to the dance floor.

Immediately when I got up there I saw a group of girls dancing in a small circle, so I crept my way over there and started dancing close to them. One of the girls turned around and started dancing with me.

We danced for a couple songs, getting closer and closer as the songs progressed. After the third or fourth song, my buddies started calling me from the bar and wanted to do some shots. I told the girl that I would be back up there in a few minutes.

I took a couple of shots with my buddies and then started to get itchy to go back up to the dance floor. I convinced one of my buddies to go back up there with me. We headed over to the same group of girls.

My buddy started dancing with one of the girls, which left me with the girl I was with earlier and her twin sister. I danced with the twin sisters for well over an hour. Towards the bar close, I was still up there dancing with the girls, having an amazing time.

Twin Sisters Kissing Guy kissing two girls at the same time
Kissing Both Sisters
(Photo from Karmalize)
Then, out of nowhere, one of the twins leaned in and kissing me on the lips. Once I pulled away, the other twin leans in and kisses me on the lips. I was in complete shock. I could only grin and keep dancing.

The twins proceeded to lean in and kiss each other. Twin sisters kissing left me in even more shock than I was before! It was not just a small kiss either; it was a make-out kiss. They looked at me and smiled.

I never could have imagined that I'd see twin sisters kissing that night!

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