by Francis
(Inspired on a Saturday morning. I guess the booze yesterday just was not strong enough!)
Don't worry I have not gone nuts completely.
But recently, I came across this awesome blog post that gave some great tips about saving money with Truth or Dare. I've been thinking about is this idea, and here are my ideas of my own to make money or save money with Truth or Dare.
Let's say you are a little bit older and not into childish games like Truth or Dare anymore. Or at least what you think those childish games seem to be all about.
As you know, I am pretty excited about this game and I think the principle that stays behind Truth or Dare is more like challenging life itself. So I think no matter how old you are you can still make some great experiences with the idea of Truth or Dare.
Let's say you get together with your best friend and start talking about money. Normally, you would probably stay up all night and the next day will do absolutely nothing about your financial situation.
That is when Truth or Dare comes in.
The game has the annoying habit to challenge your ego. When dared to do something, it's a question of honour, of your pride or ultimatively of your very balls.
OK let’s get cracking everyone!
I totally double dog dare you unless you want to be the ultimative chicken everyone and his mom will make fun of, to...
So far for some financial self challenges to make more money with Truth or Dare.
What are your ideas to get out of the world rich by challenging yourself with some honest to god questions or you-have-to-do-it-or-it-will-be-the-end-of-the-world-dares?
I would love to read about them in the comments.
Comments for My thoughts about making money with Truth or Dare (Serious post for a change)