Naked in hotel hallway - Part 2

by Susan
(Bonham, Texas USA )

On our last day in Dallas, John had one last dare for me. We had to leave early at 4:00 am. On a Sunday morning, we were on the 15th floor. I don't know how John talked me into this one. Our bag was in our car.

When we left our room, I had nothing on but a pair of earrings and a set of handcuffs. And a red ball gag. John left the key card in the room. There was no turning back now. We went down the stairwell to the exit door to the parking garage.

John made it a point to park as far from the door as possible. John walked me across that parking area like an inmate at the county jail. John took his camera out and took a few photos of me. Then he put me in the back seat of our car and put the seat belt on me.

John exited onto the Main Street of downtown Dallas. To the freeway north bound. I ride naked 120 miles home. For public nude dares, I don't know how I will top this one. But I will try.

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Nov 29, 2016
Upgrade: dangerous phone
by: Francis

Susan, thanks again for yet another epic, public and naked dare! It's really hard to top this one. Good to know that John was at your side, you being handcuffed and gagged and all...

Anyways, if you want to add to the danger of being caught, you can take a cell phone with you and put the ringer on. Or at least the notifications for texts or Whatsapp messages.

Then text up a random number of contacts (or have John do that, so that you don't know whom he writes and how many answers to expect). Bring the phone with you, and anticipate when it will ring...

Nov 17, 2016
by: Anonymous

So turned on by the stories here on the site. I'd love to dare any of you all sexually as well. So many hot hot hot things to do. Adding them a list with my bf right now. Yes.

Nov 17, 2016
by: VGal23

I'm loving everything I've been reading on this site so far. Naked in a hotel hallway? How can you top that, really????????????

Sign me up. I'm a bit of a voyer....

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