Naked in the Pizza Store

by Richard Westgate
(Toronto, Canada)

This isn't so much a suggested dare, as it is a record of a dare that I did. Definitely not for everyone!

I'd been playing outside late at night with a friend, and I was naked. Suddenly, he said, "Let's go for a walk." So we set off, me still totally naked, him dressed.

We walked up the street and took the next street to the right, crossed two sets of traffic lights. Cars were stopped on the red light, but no-one seemed to react to the sight of a naked man crossing the road.

Two blocks from home we turned left and walked down a major centre with bars and shops. It was about 3am, so the bars had closed, but there were still plenty of people around.

It was September, and it was COLD!

As we neared a small pizza shop, my friend said he wanted a pizza, so we both went into the store. I went in mainly for the warmth!

The two guys behind the counter saw me, but withdrew further back into the kitchen area.

There were about six or eight guys and one or two women waiting to pick up their pizza.

I sort of moved over to one side so I was a bit hidden from the two staff...

In case they were worried they'd get into trouble for letting me in.

They could claim they couldn't see me! It took ten minutes or more for the pizza to be done.

Lots of comments from the other customers, but nothing negative really.

We got the pizza and walked out with it, and went home by another route.

In all we were out on the streets for over half an hour. My adrenalin was high! Great night.

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Aug 12, 2014
Awesome Luck!
by: Francis

Hey man she must have seen you - and liked what she saw. And she must have been impressed by how fun you guys are if she gave you her number.

Play a game of TORD with her after getting her somewhere private - or on your date. I promise you it will spice things up!

Aug 11, 2014
Pizza Delivery
by: Anonymous

One time when me and 3 friends were playing TORD I was dared to answer the door to a pizza delivery guy naked.

Turns out the delivery guy was in fact a hot 20 something blonde so my mates pushed me out and locked the door.

Legged it around the back (hopefully) before she saw anything.

Saw her around town the next day and managed to get her number so that was a win I suppose...

Jan 04, 2013
Props to the Pizza guys
by: Francis

It must have taken you a lot of balls to do this dare. Honestly, I wouldn't have done it.

Or if I would have, my revenge dare would have been horrible ;)

Those pizza people must have seen quite a lot of wild things to have stayed cool when you came in...!

Anyways, thanks for the great story! :)

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