Naked in the Streets of NYC

by Susan
(Bonham, Texas USA )

First of all John did not want me to post this story. But, I think it makes for a good reading for this site. If you read my story about how I became a centerfold for a men's publication. I have been working as a model from time to time for photographers.

There one photograph in Dallas I get the most work for. This photograph has photography classes on, Photography of the nude about once a month. He had classes in his studio, at his home.

He has a very nice pool with a very high privacy fence around it. I think the one I liked best was on a cattle ranch north of Dallas. Yes, the cows we're looking at us like we were nuts.

Last spring my photographer, Charlee called me and told me that a photographer in New York City wanted to hire me for a photo shoot. I called the photographer in NYC and talked with him. I will call him Jay.

Jay ask me if I willing to do some nudes in public. I told him yes. As long as I don't end up in jail. Jay sent me airlines tickets to NYC. Jay had a car service waiting for me a Kennedy airport. The driver took me to Jay’s studio in the Bronx section in NY.

Jay had a very nice studio. He and his wife live upstairs. He has extra rooms for me to stay in. Jay told me the location of the shoot was in an industrial area. On Sunday no one is in that area. There one way in and out. And we would have security officers. Jay wanted to do a shoot in his studio the next day.

That morning his makeup lady did my makeup and hair. Jay set up a bedroom set. We had a nice shoot. I had the next day off. The car service took me on a sightseeing tour of NYC.

Sunday morning: I had to get up at 5:00AM. Jay had loaded his van the day before. We get to the location. Security made a sweep of the area. I'm now walking around in public naked while a man taking photos of me. We worked out in the streets, parking lot. Me on the sidewalk in front of the buildings and a parking garage. That night Jay asked me if I would do one more shoot that night.

We waited until 1:00am. I put on my micro mini swimsuit. We went out on the side walk in front of Jay’s studio. He took a few photos. Then I took off my top and then the bottom. I was running around nude in a city of 8 million people, other that the photo crew. Nobody had seen me. That I know of.

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