Naked Skyping Dare

by Luke

A few friends and I were having a party at my friend Derik’s house and around 10 it started to get boring. So Derik brought up truth or dare - I probably would have said no if I wasn’t drunk.

So we all said: “whatever” and “of course”.

Derik went first so I was listening and watching the truths and dares just wishing Taylor (my girlfriend) was there.

So, finally, it came to me and I chose dare (bad choice) so Kristen (Derik’s girlfriend) dared me to Skype Taylor naked. I was drunk and didn’t care what I did so I did it and even made small talk lol

Then, let’s just say I was single the next day

Damn that’s a mean Dare! Thanks for sharing your story, Luke! And if you want to get back your friends with some dares to do over webcam, check this out.

Oh and I wanted to ask: what dares did the others do to justify giving you such a hardcore naked dare, anyway?! It doesn’t get much worse than that in Truth or Dare (most of the time at least...!)

...or does it ;)

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Jan 03, 2012
Hey Luke
by: (Webmaster)

Sorry to hear that this lost you your GF man. Hope you're not too depressed because of that.

Next time, slow down with the alcohol in combination with Truth or Dare - it's always an ugly combination.

To the Anonumous: don't get too cocky, that could have happened to you too if you're friends are smart. So no picking on anyone, right.

Jan 03, 2012
hope she recorded your sorry ass
by: Anonymous

She can just press print on her keyboard or use a screen recording program and then she has caught you naked. And has you by the balls.

Jan 03, 2012
not shy?!
by: Anonymous

So you don't care to get nekkid in front of another girl huh.

Was she at least a hot girl?

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