by Francis
All you need is music and some old newspaper pages. The game is best played with 5-8 close friends.
Spread enough newspaper on the ground for everyoneto stand on. You and your friends dance to the music while standing on the paper with both feet.The music is stopped suddenly after some time by someone not dancing. It's close to musical chairs only that you must have your feet on the newspaper when the music stops.
Who stops the music?
Pushing off the paper is only allowed if only guys or only girls are playing. Why? Because it's fun to watch!
The players who stepped off are out. The paper is folded in half and the game continues!
Losers have to do a dare, like
You can think of really embarrassing or hard dares which can be used as joker cards:
If someone is out and really wants to stay in, he does the dare and the newspaper does not need to be halved.
It's simple but it's such great fun. Use this dancing truth or dare variation whenever you are bored but music is around.
If you are playing adult Truth or Dare on your sleepover, the newspaper Truth or Dare can get really fun if you're drinking and jumping around
...or really hot and sexy if you're undressing and dancing close.
At an adult sleepover truth or dare night, get a naughty magazine or poster and use it instead of some ole newspaper. Print out some... "sexy inspiration" on parts of whichever surface you decide to dance on. The "looser" has then to do an adult dare.
Then have everyone strip each time they stumble.
If you're playing strip Twister as a couple, the "looser" can have body parts assigned to each color... then some sensual touching will begin.
And why not use body paint for dares when we're at it! Can you imagine some hot body painting dares?
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