Pool Dare Video - Hot girl gets thrown into a swimming pool.

by Daniel
(Miami, US)

Guys! Check out this video because it really got some hot discussions going on. Basically there were these two guys who were dared to throw a powerless girl into a swimming pool.

At first sight it looks like the girl really does not want to get thrown in and at same point this is true, but what these guys did is perfectly normal teenage behavior. There is nothing illegal going on here, the best proof of all this the girl smiling all the time even when she gets thrown into the swimming pool and swears that she would kill the guys even when she got scratched her arm on the concrete, she was still smiling.

If she gets really serious and says: "OK! Now seriously stop" then you should stop you should never force a girl, but there is a fine line between flirting and getting a bad behavior towards girls. So I totally do not agree with one commenter saying: "That's not how you get laid...." I think it's pretty clear that the girl likes the guys else she would have really taking revenge or done something against this.

You shouldn't make a big deal out of a pool dare. Throwing people into the swimming pool is fun and one of the most normal things people do when they are at a swimming pool. So don't get overly Superhero like and try to be defender of justice and just let these teenagers play like they want. OK!

Or do you think that the guys did something wrong?

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by: Ted

That's just the guy who wants to get in the girls pants. Not sure if I would do it like this though

when a girl says stop, you stop
by: Anonymous

They clearly forced her and she played along because she did not see anyone helping her. I think she should have slapped them after this. Well perhaps she has.

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