Sexy Truth or Dare in the dark

by Linda
(yeah that's not my real name...)

Two girls made out in the dark for a sexy dare...

Two girls made out in the dark for a sexy dare...

(Photo from LesMedia via flickr)

This is the most embarrassing truth or dare experience I ever had. It all began with us girls playing sexy Truth or Dare over at the my friend’s house.

We were having a slumber party and we were only girls first. Everyone I thought was cool was there and we had a great time partying, drinking and just going crazy. I really wanted to show them how cool I was - which I was not.

First we heated it up by playing some drinking games, then finally truth or dare. My best friend - who is a maniac by the way - decided we girls should play her invention, Sexy Truth or Dare.

But since there were no guys, it got boring fast. So we called over some of our guy friends...

Of course, the party went out of hand fast. We were all no little girls anymore, so we went along with the fun. When it got a little wilder, we took a group dare of searching for someone to make out with in the dark.

I found a guy I thought was cute and we got all hot and bothered. To my defense, we were all really drunk and it was pitch black. Soon realized we were both girls, kissing passionately! But in the heat of the moment we went on with it anyway...

Until the light suddenly went on again! I was making out with the coolest girl in school and everyone saw us... There was no way to set things straight again (no pun intended...) and this girl would never even want to talk to me again because we were sooo embarrassed!

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Jun 02, 2011
Sexy Truth or Dare in the dark
by: DareDevil

Congratulations... Now you are officially converted to a lesbian

Jun 15, 2011
by: sexgirl

i won`t be scared i would be happy i want to do it with a naked boy

Oct 29, 2011
No boy action later?
by: Anonymous

Im' sure all the guys were impressed. It didn't get you any action later?

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