Sticky Trap Dare or Triple Bonding Dare

Messie Jessie and KT are back again with a new challenge. They truly must be fearless to do such crazy dares because this one honestly in my opinion is pretty dangerous.

What they are doing is the sticky trap dare. But let the video show you how it is done.

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What makes this sticky trap dare so very much interesting is it was a race between Messie Jessie and KT.

If it wasn’t a race, you could take all the time you need and it would be much more boring than if you try to compete against each other.

If you are really mean, you can think of some punishment dares for the loser.

Some Practical advice for doing the Sticky Trap

  1. When covering your mouth, Make sure you don’t stick the tape to your hair else it will be painful as hell to get off again.
  2. Don’t take a too big sock, you won’t be able to put it into your mouth and cover it with a tape without gagging or suffocating. Seriously Guys! Be careful with this one and never ever do this dare alone.
  3. Oh and Third tip, when taping your feet, you need to make sure you don’t tape your ankle else freeing yourself will be pretty much impossible. If you only tape up at the levels of your soles of your feet, you might be able to free yourself more easily.
What’s your time record of freeing yourself from this sticky trap. About two minutes and fifty seconds is the record for Messy.

But I am pretty sure if you use some objects around you to free yourself, you could be much faster. What do you think?

All in all, this dare is great because of all the action it gives and if you are playing with girls has a neat little bonus. It can be pretty sexy if you think about it. Depending on what the girls are wearing, when they struggle to get free from the tape it might be a nice view to look at (depending on what you are into)...?

So if you are a guy and want to see something nice just dare the girl who wears a skirt to do the sticky trap dare.

Or if you are a girl and one of the guys has already removed his shirt from a previous dare and he looks hot topless, then you know what to do!

Props go again to Messie Jessie and KT for doing this dangerous action dare.

Damn! They are crazy like hell. XD

Don’t forget to give them a thumbs up for this nice video!

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The charms of tie-up games
by: Francis

Thanks @Sprinterboi,

I'm sure the guys who suggested the sticky trap dare to KT and Messie Jessie were thinking not-so-pure-thoughts when they wanted them to basically do a tie up game.

It's pretty popular, but at the same time pretty dangerous too. You have to take care not to choke on the sock, not to package the victim too tightly (did you see the hands of KT after the dare?) etc.

So, it's really a pretty naughty dare ;)

Nice video!
by: Sprinterboi

Thanks for posting this. This video, as well as another of yours to which it led me, were excellent. I played some tie-up games in my college days and I can't imagine how you avoided the temptation to pat some butt.

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