Surprise, Surprise, Surprise: College Strip Poker Night

by Keith
(College Park, Maryland)

Many years ago when my friends and I were in college, my buddy Rick suggested we get together with a few of the girls he said he had met at a rush party. We were all attending the University of Maryland. Well, Cindy, Diane and Linda came over to our apartment for a social get together.

Rick, Chuck and me, Keith, sat and chatted with the girls for an hour or so. We talked about what we were doing in school, where we were from, what we liked doing and all of a sudden, Cindy said she was the best poker player on the East coast and that she was willing to play strip poker to prove her boast.
Cindy was a very good looking red head who had a body that any 19 year old would love to explore. The thought of seeing her, or for that matter any of the other girls naked, certainly peaked our interest. I asked Cindy to give us a minute and took Rick aside. I told Rick I liked the idea: I was sure Chuck would go along and asked him for his input as he was the organizer of the evening.

Rick said he was up for it and that we should accept Cindy's challenge. Armed with Rick's agreement, we returned to the group and told them we were in as long as all were in agreement. All indicated it was a go and that we should get the game rolling. I dug out a deck of cards and found the poker chips we used weekly with our poker buddies in our apartment complex.

I was not a poker expert at that time but, was confident we boys would be seeing some naked girls before too many minutes would pass. The game started slowly with all six of us losing a hand of five card draw within the first twenty minutes. The girls were removing various pieces of jewelry and hair clips and we boys were removing shoes and socks. I was very happy I was wearing both underpants and a tee shirt under my clothing as I thought the extra pieces of clothing would come in handy if I hit a losing streak.

In almost an instant, Rick got hot and won five or six hands in a row. His winning streak had all of us, except him, sitting in our underwear. The girls were down to bras and panties and Chuck and I were clad in under pants only.

I got hot and won a couple hands in a row. The result of my mini winning streak had Chuck naked, the girls topless and Rick was still pretty covered up with clothing. I must say that Cindy had the best set I had seen in my short life. Diane and Linda were pretty well endowed on top also and all three were a joy to view.

Next thing I know, Cindy grabbed me, Diane grabbed Chuck and Linda grabbed Rick. In an instant, serious “I’ll-leave-that-to-your-imagination” was taking place. I was so excited I only lasted about ten minutes.

Cuddled up with Cindy, we watched the rest of the crew get it on. The rest of the evening was pure bliss but, the surprise came at the end of the night when Rick pulled out some money, gave it to the girls and thanked them for the fun time.

We had just played strip poker with three fine looking HOOKERS.

Rick laughed his ass off and admitted he had made the arrangement with the girls a couple days before the get together. Surprises became semi regular for us and some three years later, Rick actually married Linda. Who says college life is all books???

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