Teen Girls Doing Adult Dares on Video

Meet Jordyn and Beranda, two very lively teenage girls. I have no idea what age they have, but they cannot be older than sixteen. But they're doing some pretty nasty and adult dares. Before we start with the dares have a watch yourself.

First of all, you have to check out the video and see how the girl behind the long haired girl always mocks her by making funny faces, mimicking her and doing cute little acts. For me that was one of the most enjoyable details of this video which makes it a sort of unique. It made it stand out.

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First, they start off with Truth questions. The Truth questions are pretty hardcore in my opinion and answers just match the levels of the questions. The first question goes very personal:

"How many boyfriends did you have?"

The answer and numbers are sort of boggling my mind. At what frequency, girls nowadays change their boyfriends? Honestly.


And the follow up questions "Which boyfriend she liked most among all of those?" was not answered. At least she likes all her boyfriends the same.

Now the dares, that's what you were waiting for, Right?

A word of warning, the dares are pretty adult in nature and from the number of requests from guys that sent Jordyn and Beranda those dares, I think it is safe to assume that there were many guys who had some weird fetishes among them.

The Human Footstool Dare

So the first dare they show is the human footstool. The human footstool is dare where one girl sits on the other girl's back standing on all fours.

What we see in this video is a fast-forwarded human footstool dare where the first girl takes her time to

  • sit on her girlfriends back,
  • crosses her legs,
  • takes out her laptop,
  • does her nails
  • and just goofs around

while the poor girlfriend has to carry her weight on her back. Pretty mean dare if you ask me.

It really looked like it was some weird fetish going on around there.

The human footstool dare lasted about 2 min. They were thankfully fast-forwarded and mixed with some great music.

On to the next dare... An even nastier dare!

It's time for

The Crying Dare

Want to know what that is? Don't worry, I didn't know either. It's when you get gagged with a sock (!) and sit down while you pretend to struggle free while crying as hard as you can. You "win" the dare when you succeed in crying out some tears.

The sock will dampen the sounds a little.

So this dare is really creepy and my guess on the origin of this dare that it is a sort of imitating a sick kidnapping fantasy or something similar. So this girl is sitting down and her mouth is sealed by a sock and again we get to hear some fast-forwarded crying and whining and she really does the dare.

She succeeds in pressing out some tears and - yeah it's pretty impressive if you ask me. But still, I am finding this dare very, very dubious and I don't want to go too far into why anyone suggests someone to do this dare.

Is it cool? I would love to hear from you in the comments.

Feet Dare

The next dare is - not surprisingly - another feet dare. "Draw faces on each toe and talk while wiggling the toes. Give every toe a name and then again we get some fast-forwarded video with some funny music.

The next dare is to hold Beranda's feet for 45 second.

Normally you would consider this dare as really, really easy but apparently Jordyn is really hating it.

Bloopers at the End

It's really a shame that the girls missed to deactivate the fast-forward function because the last three minutes are all in fast-forward. This sort of puts this great video down a little. So you can only guess what dares they did in the end.

The last dare is to smash some cottage cheese into Beranda's face. That's surprisingly innocent and reminds me some great shaving cream dares I saw.

Bottom Line?

This one goes into the top 10 Truth or Dare videos I have ever seen. The girls are lively and funny. They are making funny faces and are entertaining the viewers a lot and I think they deserve a round of applause.

Leave a comment if you like to see more of those videos.

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Bare Feet dares
by: Anonymous

Can anyone do the barefoot on face dare? Girl feet on face...

Don't worry about the comments appearing
by: Francis

p.S.: You don't need to submit a comment twice. It takes some time for them to show up and on some posts I have put the comments for moderation - so they need to be published by me.

In any case the comments are not lost :)

You can't be explicit on Youtube ;)
by: Francis

I agree that they did not do "adult" dares as you think of them... Perhaps the level of the dare-master is just too high ;)

Also, I don't think that stealing or breaking stuff is such a good idea (it's not, you'll get in serious trouble).

But I DO think that these girls would be up for more challenging dares - as long as they can show it on YouTube. :)

In my opinion they are way cool already for stepping up and doing dares on video.

I'll be sure to let the owners of this video know about this blog post, perhaps they will do a dare that is suggested here...? (not an adult one though)

*hint hint nudge nudge* :D

Adult dares?
by: Ben, the daredevil

I know not everyone will be as daring as me, but do these really count as adult dares? Adult dares are supposed to involve drinking, stealing, breaking, and showing some skin. I think these girls have the nerve to do REAL adult dares...so why don't they? This is the truth or dare website, so let's get nasty!

Ben, the dare

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