Tricking a friend

by Sam

Hi I am a married man of 10 years. My wife and I have lots of fun and are like best friends.

We love to go to the lake camping and scuba diving. When it comes to our sex life we love to explore new things and enjoy talking and sharing our fantasies. I knew from a a few years ago that my wife had a fantasy to be with another woman.

I work at a locale casino on the the night shift. I have several friends a few of them are woman. We talk and chat about everything.

I never have had a affair or anything like that because I get what I need at home. But there is one woman that I really like she is very pretty and I have found my self thinking about her a lot. My wife knows about her and knows that I am very faithful.

Well one night at work my friend and I was talking and I told her that the wife and I was going diving this weekend when she told me she always wanted to dive my mind started racing. So I invited her to join us. Not telling my wife she was kinda surprised when she showed up.

I took my wife to the side and told her that it is alright just some diving. But what she did not know was I had a plan.

After showing my friend a few things we all three went diving I was great. Afterward we sat at our camp site had a couple of drinks and talked.

I took a chance and asked the girls if they wanted to play truth or dare. And even a bigger surprise the both said yes.

My wife smiled and knew what my plan was. After a few truth questions and a few simple dares I dared my friend to take her shirt off and run around the tent. A couple more dares went by my wife dared her to let her suck her nipples.

After that things got kinda crazy and it was a very good weekend. Let's just say my wife got her fantasy and a lot more.

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Aug 03, 2015
Great Story and an Even Greater Wife
by: Francis

Hey, Sam, thanks for sharing this great story. You really do have an awesome wife. Looks to me that you being faithful to her while still being open about new ideas really paid off this time. And I’m sure that your wife really enjoyed how happy it made you.

Be sure to spend lots of quality time as a thank you for this great scuba diving adventure you had. Perhaps she’s even more imaginative and wild than you think!

Let me know what other dares you plan to do together.

Jun 18, 2015
Dream weekend
by: Anonymous

You are a lucky man to have a special wife. I too, enjoy an adventuresome wife. I'm happy you could fulfill her fantasy. Did you get yours too?

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