What was the most embarrassing truth dare moment of your life?

You will know exactly how evil the game Truth or Dare can become! Here is a list of the most embarrassing Truth Dare ideas submitted by our visitors...

If you want to take revenge for a mean and embarrassing dare, let yourself get inspired to have them live trough these handpicked truth dare moments!

Cute devil girl

The dares presented here are all real experiences told by people having played the game to the extreme...

  • They forced me to make out with this one guy my best friend had a major crush on! They really needed to pin me against the couch for me to do this! And yes, she was also at that party. She and like 20 other people who all knew about her crush. And here is the worst thing: she wanted to ask him out that very same night! In the end, he asked me out! And yes, I did.
  • I had to touch somewhere disgusting with my finger and lick it for everyone to see!
  • I was dared by my gf to put my finger up my butt! Well, I did it but I won't do it again!
  • I have a stupid little brother who is like 4'8 and I am almost 5'10 (when I was 13 years old). My friends invited my brother to play truth or dare with us and dared me to switch clothes with him!
  • They wanted us even to exchange undies!! I was wearing thongs so it was even worse! At the end I was standing there with his spiderman tighty-whities and with his shirt covering my belly only half way. While he was standing there with my top going to his knees. I was stretching out his underwear... it was horrible!"
  • I was locked out after running around the block naked. I can never look my neighbors in the eyes again...
  • I had to walk over to my crush's house and ask him for tampons! He even gave me some, they were from his sister!
Guy licking toilet seat

Probably the most popular disgusting dare

(Photo from mmechtley)

  • I got my temperature taken in my butt in front of my friends.
  • I had to go and kiss a teacher. Got suspended for it, in reality such dumb dares never go well!
  • They made up a "phone" made from a shoe box and I had to go down the street with this phone pretending that it did not work. I shouted in the "phone" that I could't hear a thing and that the connection was probably bad.. Many people I knew saw me that day...
  • Had to go swimming but naked. We were playing truth or dare near a pool and they dared me to cross the pool naked!
  • A friend of mine had to pole dance around a street sign. She had to do it for a minute but did not have a watch and ended up doing it almost twice the time. Of course the neighbors saw it all and thought it was hilarious!
  • Had to eat one of my boogers in front of my friends.
  • I took a run without my pants on!
  • Run around our tent naked in the freezing cold!
Girl kissing a dog
  • French kissed the dog. Eww!
  • I had to tell a truth and tell my friend I had a sexual dream about him.
  • I had to go commando for the evening and put my boxer shorts on my head.
  • Had to make out with my ex
  • I had to kiss the little brother of my crush!

Imagine you were dared to do one embarrassing truth dare from this list! Quickly dare them first, before it is too late!

Sign up below and send us your dare, and we will send you 30 embarrassing bonus dares from our hidden truth dare list!

Tell us your Truth or Dare Ideas

truth or dare tell us your best ideas

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  • After you share your best ideas, you get our free Dare collection with 195 Dares.

  • You will also get FREE access to our BONUS PAGE with our ultimate most embarrassing Dares from other visitors just like you. They’re safely locked away from normal people’s eye…!

Share them here! Together, we can compile the web's greatest list of Truth or Dare ideas!

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