Comments for Truth or Dare Chicken Card

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Mar 26, 2012
No Balls
by: Anonymous

There is another version of truth or dare that's popular in schools right now. And it's called No Balls.

It works similarly to Truth or Dare, but if you don't do the dare, you are not a chicken, but you don't have balls.

That can seriously hurt your reputation, so you better keep those balls firmly tucked in!

Same game, but cruder vocubulary. Well, we're in modern times now!

Jan 02, 2012
loser gets spanked
by: Anonymous

When someone does not do a dare, we simply agreed that everyone gets to spank her or his naked ass once as hard as you can.

There is no chicken card against this. Very effective!

Jun 03, 2011
Truth or Dare Chicken Card
by: DareDevil

Chicken card is like a life card sometimes

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