I was dared to jump into the pool and someone got hurt – but not me!

by Crecia

The girls dared me to jump into the pool

The girls dared me to jump into the pool

We (all girls) went to the pool last summer. We played in the water and then I was dared to jump from the spring board, from like really high. I was scared all right!

But the worst part is still coming! There was this one, really cute guy at the pool. He swam back and forth and was really well built. Just when I dived into the water, he was swimming past me! I felt I hit something soft with my elbow...

As I saw immediately, I hit the cute guy in the crotch!! He looked at me with terrified eyes and hurried out of the pool... All the girls were laughing like crazy, and I was sooo embarrassed!!

We never saw the guy again...

Photo from: RichardBarley.

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Swimming pool dare with closed eyes

by Rob

I don't think my jealous GF saw what could happen... Of course she did not forgive me for weeks!

I don't think my jealous GF saw what could happen... Of course she did not forgive me for weeks!

My family, my girlfriend and I (15 at that time) went on vacation where they had a pool. I could not open my eyes under water then. That's why I had to swim across the pool and reach for the side with my hand without looking. I looked kind of silly when I did this...

There was this really hot girl swimming in the pool in her bikini. My girlfriend was getting jealous of me looking at her, so she dared me to cross the pool when this girl was in there too. (I looked silly, remember?)

Because I did not see where I was swimming, I had to guess where the side of the pool was for me to grab onto. Suddenly, I feel something soft in my hands...

I groped the sexy cutie without knowing!!

Of course she was screaming in surprise, and my girlfriend was seeing red! It took days to calm her down again...!

My parents where relaxing at the side of the pool and saw the whole scene. They found it hilarious and are still telling this story to our friends today.

Photo from mikeNZ

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Mar 30, 2012
lol good job with the groping
by: Anonymous

I wouldnt be sad if I groped a girl by "mistake" :D

great pics by the way!

Jun 12, 2014
Lucky guy
by: Neo

Did you say ‘hot’ wow, you’re one lucky guy. You’ve got good skills with groping as well—good thing you didn’t get slapped

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Drowning from shame! An Embarrassing Pool Dare

by Ezio

It was my cousins birthday (she is a girl) and it was a swimming party. All the girls are aged from 12-17 and all are wearing bikinis. There were 5 boys and 20 girls and we (boys) were playing truth or dare on the roof.

So it was my turn. Everyone knows that I am good at diving and free running so my friends dared me to do a leap of faith in to the pool (5 meters deep).

I stood up, ready to jump, and that day my shorts were loose and big. All girls were around the pool and they didn't see me (even when I jumped they didn't notice me) so I jumped and entered the water perfectly!

All the people around got wet and many of them got scared at first, but when I went out of the pool, I was naked...!

My shorts went off me and I didn't even notice that.

But when everyone started laughing I understood the situation, so I jumped back in the pool and girls surrounded the pool and I couldn't come out for 2 hours.

The roof was only 4 meter high so it wasn't dangerous. :D
I will never forget that day!

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Truth or Dare in a swimming pool

I played truth or dare when I was four years old with my older brother. He's two years older than me, (and a lot cooler at that time). We happened to be going swimming this day, and our Mom forgot our life jackets and that was pretty typical.

She forgot a lot of things. My Dad played softball with some pretty scary looking men back then, they had crazy thick beards, and tattoos, and well, they just looked mean. Everyone was enjoying the day in the pool, except for me... because I couldn't swim yet.

My brother dared me to jump into the deep end, knowing I couldn't swim. At first, I refused, telling him I would do something else that wouldn't kill me. He persisted that he even called me a "Chicken." That didn't really bother me, until he told me I couldn't do it.

I took it as a personal challenge. So I jumped into the deep end. Remember how your Mom, (if she was like mine), would tell you that swimming isn't scary? That you'd float? She lied. I hit the water and sunk. I sunk right to the bottom of the pool.

I remember looking up at the surface of the water, and seeing all of these hairy legs standing near the shallow end. About as quickly as I hit the water, I remember a large (and I mean HUGE) hand that seemed as though it came from the Heavens, that grabbed me by the back of my swimsuit, and pulled me out of the water.

As I was coughing and choking, probably crying, I remember this big, scary (and hairy) man telling me, "Well, you didn't float."

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