Ultimate Dare For A Stranger

by Ana Paul

We were playing a different type of truth or dare, mainly dares. We name it ULTIMATE DARE! It's whenever we meet each night is someone's turn... Where each person comes up with something to do, and we have a vote on which is the best dare the person should do.

That night was my turn! They voted for me to strip for a random stranger show in a position that would reveal all of my private parts!!! And they get to pick the guy to see me...

So nervous, we went in the car driving around the place to find a guy... We found the guy and it's the only guy we saw. Lucky for me, it looked like he lived on the street.

I told him I need to take off my clothes and let you see me naked until you say “yes, I am satisfied I saw everything!” He walked behind the car to an abandoned place, where we went in.

My friends were there to witness it all. I needed to get it over with. I started taking my clothes off now, down to my bra and panties. He was like “wow.” I removed my bra, and he asked, “are you going to remove the panties?” And my friends shouted “yes, she is going to show you everything!”

I nervously removed my panties and was completely nude for this strange guy, facing him. Then I turned around to show him all of me from behind...

I needed to walk close for him to see my nipples, then bend (oh my god) over for him to see all my parts closely! Bend right over! Hands on the ground. Legs apart.

Then, lying on my back with my legs far apart as they could get, I let him see it all.

My friends asked him, "sir, are you satisfied you’ve see everything she has?” He said “yes!” And he also said I have an amazing and sexy a$$, and a well-shaved front!

It was so embarrassing!

I just put my clothes back on the headed to the car and back home...

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Nov 17, 2016
Must know more.
by: HotNBothered

You are SO BOLD. I love the idea of being an extrovert like that -- or should I say SEXtrovert? But I'm not sure if I could do it. Do you think it could have lead to something more with this guy???

Jul 03, 2016
want to strip
by: mybdaybo

Want to strip naked for any one girl guy who ever can make my birthday wish come true

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