Walking naked at a shopping mall parking lot

by Susan
(Bonham, Texas USA )

This is my second time I went naked at a shopping mall parking lot. (See here my first time). John and I got this idea from a video we seen online.

I would start off wearing four item of clothing. A bra, panties, shorts, small top. I would walk around for 10 minutes take off one item. In the video this woman and her boyfriend filmed her walk in daytime. John and I were going at night. And John was going to video my naked walk. I don't care who sees me naked.

I don't want to end up in jail. John had a police band scanner so if the police or mall security put out a call, we would have time to hide.

We pick a nite when traffics would be slow. This night was cool with a temp in the 50's. We start off I go for 10 minutes and take off my top. I have on a black bra. I walk for 10 more minutes I take off my shorts. Now I walking around with nothing on but a bra and a g-string panties. I walked around for 10 more minutes I know a few people have seen me.

Now I remove my bra. I am running around topless in public. I did have a lot of fear.

10 minutes later John tells me time to go naked. I strip off my panties. I am as naked as I can get.

I began walking out in the open. Some guy drives by and takes a photo with his cell phone.

We began working our way back to Jonh's car. I was in fear. Walking naked in out in the open where any one can see me.

We get back to our car and we have one close call with mall security. I did not have time to get back in the car. So I duck down behind a car. As they drive by. This was a great turn on.

We may post this video on line.

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Nov 17, 2016
Gary G
by: Anonymous

You may post the video online? I say do it. It’s incredible that you didn’t get caught by security. Must be a huge rush, huh?


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