Wedgies for a week

Okay so I double dog dare you to go up to the scariest bully in school and ask him to give you an atomic wedgie, easy right?

That's because I wasn't finished...

You must do so everyday for a week and for those who are brave don't unpick or change your underwear during that week.

For those less brave you can give yourself a permanent wedgie that should last two weeks. Same unpicking rule apply.

If you chicken out you must complete every punishment on this list:


Have someone spank yourself HARD 50 times on each butt cheek with a wooden spoon/hockey stick/ hard part of belt

Spank yourself 2 times on each cheek every time you walk through a door if anyone notices you must go up to them and ask them to take off one layer of your clothing

(ex. If you walk through a door and Samantha notices you, ask her to choose a clothing item and remove it from you so if Samantha said pants you would be walking around in your underwear all day...)

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Sep 03, 2018
The Atomic Wedgie
by: Anyonamous

You have to get an atomic wedgie. But, not just any atomic wedgie. If you are a boy, you have to do it in your mom’s underwear. If you are a girl, you have to do it in your dad’s underwear. You also have to keep the wedgie on your head for 30 minutes.

Apr 15, 2018
Wedgie horror
by: Anonymous

It was spring break when I did this so I got my big sister (who is 15 am only 10) to do it instead for 5 days as there's 5 days at school and she didn't hold back at all. The first day we went to a park and made me hang on the fence in till my panties ripped.

The next day she gave me an atomic wedgie and didn't let me pick it. For the 3rd day, she made put on one of her thongs and hung me from a tree in the front garden until it till it ripped.

The next day, she took me to the mall and gave me a wedgie in front of everyone and told me to leave my panties showing then put a Singh on my back that said I love wedgie so I got a couple more wedgie from a stranger's and before we went home she told one of the friends that work there to give a wedgie and I wasn't allowed to pick it.

The last day, she gave me squeaky clean wedgie then put in a thong gave me a normal wedgie for 5 minutes and told me not to pick it but I did so she spanked me and gave me hanging wedgie in our 6-year-old sisters panties till they ripped then put a thong on me tied it my bed with told got our lil sis to pull it while she spanked me for till the thong finally ripped and because I got mad, I threw a box of tampons at she and said she needed them which was a mistake because she gave me a hanging wedgie outside and our neighbours were having a birthday party and people from school was there.

Mar 12, 2017
I did this...
by: Anonymous

My friend showed me this but she added on to it. She I had to ask our school bully, Bella, to give me an atomic wedgie every day of the week but while wearing super big and embarrassing granny panties.

She bought me 5 pairs of all white high waisted granny panties that were big and stretchy and also had the days of the week written on the waistband. Also one of the worst parts was I wore leggings and you could see the panty lines right through them.

Monday I asked Bella to give me an atomic wedgie. She paused for a second then grabbed me by the shoulders and turned me around. In under 10 seconds, she had snapped the panties over my nose!

I was expecting it to be a lot more painful but since the panties were so big it didn't hurt that much. I said thanks and walked into the bathroom with the panties stuck to my nose.

Immediately my friend followed me in. There was another girl in there who looked at me funny. I took the panties off my head and they snapped back to my waist. I wasn't allowed to pick it though so I just put my shirt on it. I waddled to all of my classes the rest of the day.

The next morning, I put on my Tuesday panties and went to school. The same thing happened but this time Bella hooked them on to my chin. We were doing a lot of running in the gym and I really had to pick my wedgie and I did. That night I got spanked so hard my a** was red.

The rest of the days went the same. I asked for an atomic wedgie and got an atomic wedgie. The worst part was on Friday when Bella was around a huge crowd of people and after the atomic wedgie, she gave me one in the front. To be honest the panties are very comfortable when not being wedgied up my butt. But my friend made me write this while in an atomic wedgie.

Jun 21, 2016
This is hard!
by: Pathetic little girl

This is hard! I mean, my school doesnt really have a bully, and I'm in elementary school. No one really cares about wedgies............ And askng a person to spank me is just awkward....... And I'm going on vacation, so what should I do?

Ooooooooo I've got a tip! Wear many layers! JK

Help me!

Sep 10, 2015
Itchy Wedgie
by: Nikki

I was dared to put itching powder in my panties, and I wear panties that are like for little girls so when that happened I had to let the strongest person give me a wedgie.

Aug 01, 2013
Candidate for ultimate combo wedgie dare yet!
by: Francis

You did not hold back on this double dare!

It would be a good candidate for our list of the most extreme dares (although this one is not very sexy)

What is surely is is destroyingly painful. Wouldn't want to do this dare, you need a bigger daredevil than me for that.

What if someone who sees you freaks out? If you can't ask for them to pick a piece of clothing to remove?

What if you get caught, wedgied, without pants (or worse) in public? Any escape plan for that?

Except running as fast as you can ;)

I had to remove the last punishment though. As a man, I can't encourage people kicking guys where they should never be kicked. :P

Be cautious when you do this dare. (Whatever, go for it, YOLO!!)

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