Welcome To the Neighborhood

(Photo from Helga Weber)

I was a fully grown woman of 31, which makes this story so much more embarrassing. My friends (all girls) and I had gathered for a niece's Sweet 16 and we took over her party after she went out with friends because we were "so Uncool."

My sister dared me to run out into our garage and flash my husband. I of course thought she was incredibly lame as we had been married for eight years at that point and was only perturbed that it was 50 degrees outside.

The ladies came to the door to egg me on with, well eggnog actually, and I ran to the garage, flashed my hubby and to my delight a man I've never seen. I raced back to the house and hid in the restroom, horrified.

My sister came knocking down the restroom door to say my husband and our new neighbor Hakim, were laughing about how welcoming the neighborhood was to newcomers.

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Jan 01, 2013
Didn't know that :(
by: Francis

Dear visitor, thanks for pointing out that this story is not a true one. I was disappointed to hear that, but removed it from the collection of true stories.

I never watched Roseanne. Is it any good? (I mean, in comparison to How I Met Your Mother or other shows!)

Jan 01, 2013
by: Anonymous

This is word-for-word a scene from an episode of Roseanne.

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