What are some good questions for Truth or Dare over video chat?

Question: I am going to play "Truth or Dare" with my Boyfriend over video chat. What are some good questions to ask? By the way he is 14 and I am 13, but we would really do almost every Dare.

Answer: Hey there! Great that you play "Truth or Dare" over video chat with your boyfriend. Now don't rush and don't do anything stupid, you both are still young and perhaps you might find some really stupid advice out there. Don't go to anything that you will regret later. Here are some ideas for dares to do:

  • Ask him to dress up in girl's clothes and go to in front of the camera.
  • Ask him to do "Cinnamon Challenge" while being on camera; it will be hilarious to watch and to listen.
  • Have him do a funny impression of a cartoon character and you must guess it. If you don't guess it correctly, it's your chance to take a dare.

We have some other Truths and Dares for teenagers. You might also want to check out our section of Truth or Dare Videos: the dares done there are generally safe for everyone to do.

Anyways have fun playing Truth or Dare over video chat and remember whatever you do, if you or your boyfriend are really smart with computers, you can record the whole thing and can also make screenshots of silly poses and dare. So don't go over board or you might find all your stuff on Facebook one day.

A friend of mine once did some hilarious dares on webcam just to find out that several people were watching the screen in secret!

Generally, don't do any dares that...

  • might get you in serious trouble
  • will hurt you on the long run
  • you feel uncomfortable with

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Oct 16, 2017
Video chat dare
by: Virus

Spell a word of the other players choosing backwards and if you get it wrong you must remove an article of clothing

Mar 15, 2015
Good dare
by: Anonymous

A good dare is to get a coin and flip it 5 times. If u get a head u remove an item of clothing if U get a tails ur fine. Another good dare to do is whatever color ur clothes r the other Person has to take off any clothes that color.

Feb 01, 2013
Dumb One
by: Hannah from US

what is the dumbest thing you have ever done?

Feb 06, 2012
Guess the Object
by: DareDevil

There is a game "Guess the object" in which you take close photographs of any object and then the other person will have to guess it correctly. I think this game can be a good one for playing online.

Another improvisation which can make this game more interesting is to take close photos of body parts instead of any other objects and let the other to guess the body part.

So dare him to guess your body parts else he has to strip a piece of clothing.

Jan 03, 2012
dont drink and dare
by: Anonymous

when you're in front of your laptop don't drink while your friend does a dare. Unless you want to buy a new laptop ;)

Jun 11, 2014
Juvenile play
by: Daenerys

Doing ‘dares’ all the time sounds fun—but, don’t rush into some things that are out of the normal. Do some fun stuff kind of ‘dares’ like take off your shoe and suck on your big toe for 30 seconds—that kind of stuff.

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